My Services

  • Black and White photo of Kristy Hart, Clinical Sexologist and relationship coach

    One-on-One Coaching Sessions

    Experience transformative one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals. In these 50-minute sessions, we will explore your concerns, desires, and challenges surrounding your intimate relationships and/or sexuality. Utilizing the MEBES model developed by Dr. Patti Britton, I provide a holistic and personalized approach that addresses various aspects of your relationships. Together, we will enhance communication, boost confidence, and navigate obstacles. Following each session, you will receive a detailed email summary, next steps, and engaging at-home activities. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling and pleasurable life. Starting at $100/session. Conducted online or in-person in my Dover, NH office.

  • Couple sitting on couch having a couple session with their relationship coach

    Couple Sessions

    Invest in your relationship through dedicated couple sessions. These 50-minute sessions create a safe and supportive space for open dialogue and growth. Using the MEBES model and effective techniques, we will work together to strengthen your emotional connection, improve communication, and revitalize your intimacy. Whether you're facing challenges or simply want to deepen your bond, these sessions provide an opportunity for growth and exploration. After each session, you will receive a follow-up email with session highlights, recommended steps, and personalized at-home activities. Rediscover the joy and passion in your relationship. Starting at $150/session. Conducted online or in-person in my Dover, NH office. 

  • Photo of a laptop and a cup of coffee. Laptop shows a group of people participating in an online workshop

    Live and Online Workshops

    Join our engaging and informative workshops, both in-person and online, to expand your knowledge and enhance your sexual well-being. Upcoming topics include understanding the woman's sexual response system, embracing and becoming more comfortable with your own sexuality, and reigniting passion in long-term relationships. These workshops provide a safe and supportive environment to learn, share experiences, and acquire practical tools. Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain insights and strategies for a more fulfilling and pleasurable life.

    Next workshop coming soon!